12162/B/Sridhar Naidu
Flight lieutenant
Sridhar joined NDA Bravo Squadron from TAFS ( The Air Force School ) Delhi. All his friends have great things to say about him. Parab says that, had Sridhar been with them, Bravo Squadron would have produced yet another Air Marshall (besides SBP Sinha & SRK Nair). Late Afghan Abdul Hameed got the shock of his life when Sridhar caught a grass snake and brought it close to him. Sridhar was a snake charmer and very good at rescuing these reptiles. Sridhar had picked up this skill from his sister, Sumati, who is a Herpetologist. He was an excellent swimmer and represented Bravo Squadron's Water Polo team. He was one of the coolest, most sophisticated guy with a great attitude from Bravo.
Newly commissioned, Pilot Officers SS Chatterji L56 and AK Benipuri G56 were still at the Air Force Academy when AVM Naidu took over as the Comdt. The old man was a strict disciplinarian and totally ‘by the book’. When Sridhar came home on leave, Chatterji said that the three of them had the most amazing time in their younger days. Late at night, Sridhar would hoodwink his dad, push out the car from the garage, manipulate the security guard, and the Three Musketeers would drive out to Secunderabad from Dundigal (30 km of lonely stretch), and return in the wee hours. Dundigal was the poultry hub of Andhra Pradesh those days. Chatto says that it was their regular routine to pick up tandoori chicken for the feast!
1982 was the Golden Jubilee year of the Indian Air Force. In the run-up to the final day, 8th October 82, there were a number of celebrations planned pan-India. Flying Officer S Sridhar, a MiG-21 pilot and his father AVM RS Naidu, Comdt. Air Force Academy did several display flights as a proud ‘Father & Son ‘flying in formation'. They flew the Indian skies in a Kiran trainer aircraft for the Father and the Polish trainer, Iskra for Sridhar. These displays had finished by the middle of 1982 and Sridhar was back to his parent unit, the HAWKS at Ambala. It was a dream run cruelly shortened by a fatal accident just a day before the Golden Jubilee.
On 7th Oct 1982, there was a “ Strike vs CAP (Combat Air Patrol)” exercise demonstration for the student officers of CAW (College of Air Warfare). Eight Jaguars were to strike Ambala airfield, and two MiG-21s were to be launched from the ORP (Operational Readiness Platform) to intercept the strike. Fg Offr Rakesh Srivastava and Fg Offr S Sridhar were doing the ORP. When the Base Air Defence detected the incoming low flying Jaguars approaching the base the BADO (Base Air Defence Officer) ordered scrambling of the CAP. Unfortunately, the leader’s MiG-21 did not start. There was a small delay, and strike package had moved closer to the target! Sridhar at this stage got airborne alone and contacted the radar. Typically, the CAP sets up an orbit at 3.0 km above ground. Sridhar was probably midway into his climb when he visually picked up the striking Jaguars. Immediately, he started manoeuvring to position behind the strike. Low speed, tight manoeuvering and insufficient height combined to make Sridhar crash just outside the runway fencing. The aircraft blew up on impact and disintegrated. That was the tragic end to this sweet, young, less than 23-year-old, promising fighter pilot. The Air Force was celebrating its 50th year on 8th Oct and Air Marshall Naidu was lighting his son’s pyre in Ambala. What a tragic day for the family and for all of us.
Sridhar was an exceptional flier and was the first amongst our course mates to become operational. His CO, Wg Cdr CD Chandrasekhar would often remark proudly on Sridhar’s quick uptake and superior skills. His peers and superiors in the squadron also acknowledged his high standards. Sridhar had a serving Air Marshall as his Dad, but he never took his name. It was difficult to associate Naidu with Sridhar, and he made it a point never to take any advantage of his lineage. Sridhar was an outstanding human being- suave, playful, and dignified through and through!
Sridhar’s elder sister, Sumati, is in regular touch. His mother has a famous name - Sarojini Naidu, she stays with his sister in Bengaluru. If anyone wishes to contact or meet her - She is always keen to meet her brother's friends and has a large collection of Sridhar’s pictures.
🙏May his soul rest in peace🙏